Membuat teks berjalan di menu bar site anda

Selain membuat  teks berjalan di blog, Anda juga dapat membuat teks berjalan di menu bar. Tidak tahu menu bar? Yah bahwa tablet kebanyakan teks dari sudut layar dan nav bar pada browser seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah.
tutorial blog Mbahyar
Nah bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba. Silakan ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

1. Login ke blogger
2. Pada Desain menu -> Edit HTML
3. Tempatkan kode berikut dalam kode </ head>

<script type='text/javascript'>

msg = " -- Selamat datang di Simple Preview ";
msg = " | pernak-pernik blog -- " + msg;pos = 0;
function scrollMSG() {
document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos); pos++;
if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0

Ganti teks tebal dengan teks yang ingin Anda lihat.
Gambar 200 menunjukkan kecepatan pergerakan teks. Semakin kecil nilai semakin cepat pergerakan teks dan sebaliknya. Ganti jika diperlukan.

4. Jika sudah, klik Save Template. selesai

Jika berhasil, Anda akan melihat teks berjalan di menu bar

Membuat related post dengan gambar

Sebelumnya saya telah diposting tentang bagaimana membuat judul posting terkait untuk menampilkan daftar posting yang berkaitan dengan pos utama. Sehingga memudahkan pembaca untuk menemukan topik terkait. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang posting terkait baca di sini.

Nah hari ini saya ingin membahas bagaimana membuat related post lebih menarik dengan menambahkan thumbnail atau gambar di dalamnya. Agar lebih jelas lihat gambar di bawah.

tutorial blog Mbahyar

Untuk membuat related post dengan gambar seperti di atas;

  • Halaman DRAFT, klik EDIT HTML Tab.
  • Checklist Tick / Tick / Tick atau apa pun yang Anda menyebutnya dalam sebuah kotak kecil di depan tulisan BUKA WIDGET TEMPLATE. Di bawah tulisan membentang kotak sempit yang berisi kode HTML yang membuat BLOG TEMPLATE sakit kepala.
  • Cari kode </ head> di kotak HTML. Lakukan pencarian cepat menggunakan CTRL + (plus) huruf F pada keyboard Anda dan kemudian tekan ENTER yang akan menampilkan kotak HALUS di sudut kiri bawah browser Anda. Jenis berikutnya </ head> pada kotak. Itu menjadi kode?
  • Salin kode HTML berikut:


<!--Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles Start-->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<style type="text/css">
#related-posts {

#related-posts h2{
font-size: 1.6em;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
font-family: Georgia, &#8220;Times New Roman&#8221;, Times, serif;
margin-bottom: 0.75em;
margin-top: 0em;
padding-top: 0em;
#related-posts a{
#related-posts a:hover{

#related-posts  a:hover {
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<!--Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles End-->

  • Masukan / Paste kode di atas </ head> template blog Anda.
  • Kemudian melihat <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> pada kode template blog Anda. Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan kode dalam template blog Anda, cari kode ini:
    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
        Masukan / Copy dan paste kode di bawah BAWAH salah satu kode di atas. Berikut kode:

<!-- Related Posts with Thumbnails Code Start-->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div id='related-posts'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels_thumbs&amp;max-results=6&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var currentposturl=&quot;<data:post.url/>&quot;;
var maxresults=5;
var relatedpoststitle="Related Posts";
</div><div style='clear:both'/>
<!-- Related Posts with Thumbnails Code End-->

    Simpan Template

    Selesai ........

Widget Tulisan / Artikel Terkait dengan Gambar / thumbnail Terkait akan menampilkan 5 Artikel Terkait berbasis label artikel. Jika Anda ingin menambah atau mengurangi jumlah Terkait Pos dalam acara itu, silahkan ganti angka 5 (lima) pada
var maxresults=5; menjadi lebih atau kurang.

Jika Anda ingin mengubah Posting terkait menulis dengan kata / kalimat lain, silahkan ganti tlisan Related Post (jangan menghapus tanda petiknya) pada kode
var relatedpoststitle="Related Posts";

Semoga tutorialny berguna. 

Membuat related post tau posting terkait di blog

posting Terkait  dan artikel yang berkaitan adalah cara untuk menunjukkan link dari artikel yang berhubungan dengan artikel utama dan biasanya terletak di bawah artikel utama.

Posting terkait instalasi biasanya dikelompokkan berdasarkan label atau kategori. Jadi jika ada satu artikel dari label tertentu ditampilkan maka sisa dari artikel yang memiliki label yang sama juga akan ditampilkan di bagian bawah artikel.

Tujuan membuat related post untuk memudahkan bagi pengunjung untuk menemukan artikel yang berhubungan dengan artikel utama. Jadi pengunjung tidak perlu melaporkan menemukan satu demi satu artikel pada label atau kategori menu.

Bagi mereka masih bingung, lihat contoh di bawah ini.

Bagaimana uda jelas? Nah bagi mereka yang tertarik untuk memasang posting terkait di blog Anda, ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

1. Login ke Blogger. Pilih Desain menu -> Edit HTML

2. Back-up pertama template anda dengan mengklik Download Template Lengkap.

3. Setelah itu, centang kotak "Expand Widget Template".

4. Cari kode
5. Jika sudah ketemu, letakkan kode dibawah ini dibawah

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='similiar'>

<div class='widget-content'>
<h3>Artikel yang berkaitan</h3>
<div id='data2007'/><br/><br/>
<script type='text/javascript'>

var homeUrl3 = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;;
var maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 4;
var maxNumberOfLabels = 10;

maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 100;
maxNumberOfLabels = 3;

function listEntries10(json) {
var ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);
var maxPosts = (json.feed.entry.length &lt;= maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel) ?
json.feed.entry.length : maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; maxPosts; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
var alturl;

for (var k = 0; k &lt;; k++) {
if ([k].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
alturl =[k].href;
var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;);
var a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);
a.href = alturl;

if(a.href!=location.href) {
var txt = document.createTextNode(entry.title.$t);
for (var l = 0; l &lt;; l++) {
if ([l].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
var raw =[l].href;
var label = raw.substr(homeUrl3.length+13);
var k;
for (k=0; k&lt;20; k++) label = label.replace(&quot;%20&quot;, &quot; &quot;);
var txt = document.createTextNode(label);
var h = document.createElement(&#39;b&#39;);
var div1 = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
function search10(query, label) {

var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
script.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;, query + &#39;feeds/posts/default/-/&#39;
+ label +
script.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;, &#39;text/javascript&#39;);

var labelArray = new Array();
var numLabel = 0;

<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
textLabel = &quot;<>&quot;;

var test = 0;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; labelArray.length; i++)
if (labelArray[i] == textLabel) test = 1;
if (test == 0) {
var maxLabels = (labelArray.length &lt;= maxNumberOfLabels) ?
labelArray.length : maxNumberOfLabels;
if (numLabel &lt; maxLabels) {
search10(homeUrl3, textLabel);


Jika blog Anda menggunakan kode read more biasanya ada 2 kode <data:post.body/> Letakkan kode di atas di kode pertama.

6. Jika sudah, klik Save Template lalu klik View Blog untuk melihat hasilnya.

Anda dapat mengganti teks "artikel terkait" dalam kode di atas dengan teks lain sesuai keinginan Anda.

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Kali ini mau nawarin Bisnis Online yang masih baru ah:

Malam ini saya merekomendasikan 1 bisnis terbaru : TURBO PAY PLAN,
baru launching 1 mei 2013 , Karena banyak TOP LEADER dunia dan indo yang sudah meniliti bisnis ini , juga sudah action hari ini = saya yakin dgn rekomendasi mereka . Langsung daftar sekarang, tidak perlu untuk invest, jika anda penasaran seperti saya, invest $10 stp , paypal , atau payza . Ingat !!! sistem ini adil, pada intinya yg cepat bergabung yang akan kecipratan member baru ( mungkin seperti ) , DAFTAR GRATIS DULU dengan mengklik banner dibawah atau disini:

Segera KUNCI posisi sebagai perintis dgn meakukan upgrade level 1 cmn $10 stp / payza / paypal . Forced matrix 4x4 and spill over ( kayak gtdinar )
Sistem yg akan menempatkan sendiri untuk posisi anda , jadi segera uupgrade , siapa tahu besok atau lusa sudah BEP ,....

The significance Associated with Back links

Right here We will Talk about The significance Associated with Back links

Internet marketers tend to be continuously locating the greatest and also the the majority of cost-effective methods for getting individuals to check out their own provides. Many people nevertheless make use of ppc applications to obtain individuals to observe their own provides, even though this is often instead pricey. Something you need to realize is actually that you simply don’t need to spend money to get web visitors. This is often achieved because they build back links for your cash web page. Nowadays back-link creating is undoubtedly an important a part of any kind of marketer’s methods due to the possible that's at the rear of this process.

Although associated with you know, there are several that don’t, and so i may clarify back-linking. Basically, just about all the back-link is actually, is really a hyperlink that is on a single website which factors to another web site. Therefore, back-link creating may be the procedure for a person creating hyperlinks upon additional people’s web sites which guide individuals aimed at your website. Search engines like google consider your own back links because sort of election for the site, as well as when you're utilizing key phrase specific back links, these people depend much more. When you're creating your own back links, you should utilize point textual content which clarifies exactly what your site is all about.

Whilst it's not difficult to determine the significance of those hyperlinks, creating all of them is actually difficult. With regards to creating these types of back links, you can find several methods to achieve this, however we will allow you to within about the 2 primary methods to construct these types of hyperlinks.

A number of everbody knows this particular however posting your own site in order to website sites is actually one method to construct back links. For anyone who're not aware, the listing is straightforward an internet site which retains a summary of additional websites on the internet. This method is quite easy; a person choose a listing which allows distribution and you simply publish your own site. Whenever you select a name for the web site, be aware that the actual name you choose would be the real hyperlink which factors for your website. As soon as your own site is actually detailed within the listing, you've gained the back-link for your site. There are many sites on the internet that you could publish your own site in order to totally free.

Article promotion is actually an additional method which internet marketers start creating these kinds of hyperlinks for their web sites. Despite the fact that the technique associated with producing hyperlinks in this way is quite easy, the quantity of period included could be little bit a lot. Just about all you need to do is actually build articles regarding your own site as well as publish this in order to article directory sites. In your body from the post or even within the writer container (also known as source container), a person place the key phrase specific hyperlink back again aimed at your website. Something you need to keep in mind would be to prevent posting exactly the same post to any or all the content sites. Edit all of them prior to posting which means you don't have any hyperlinks within replicate content material. Whenever you do that, the actual hyperlinks within the content articles that you simply publish may have greater worth in order to the various search engines.

Making use of these types of techniques might help enable you to get began and when a person may need much more hyperlinks, you'll find additional means of creating much more hyperlinks. As well as if you'd like in order to pace points upward a little, you'll find applications that will help you together with your distribution. Make certain before you decide to purchase these kinds of software packages that you're obtaining a great plan. A few of the software programs might help help to make points proceed much faster, other people is going to be inadequate.

The actual author of the bit of textual content operates & is the owner of a number of extremely profitable Internet websites within the on the internet free of charge video games enjoyable market, if you want to check out one of several web sites it is possible to go to this particular fast internet hyperlink generating video games to look at the internet video games, as well as the kind of hyperlinks which are used.

Why Social media Boosts Your SEO Marketing Campaign

 “No guy is definitely an isle. ” All of us study this particular cliché frequently within our entire life time. It truly is within our personality in order to make contact with additional people to find what we should are looking for. Regardless of whether all of us need people to maintain all of us company or even perform factors collectively within function, college or simply possess pleasant, it truly is constructed inside all of us to find other people as well as notify what we should would like.

Your own SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION business is actually near to getting referred to as a genuine person. It requires a proper program to use properly as well as develop. For any Search engine optimization business in order to come to be children manufacturer, this really is once the advertising methods are available in perform which you might observe within regular press stations such as TELEVISION, transmit or even printing.

However let's say you own a good on-line business or even internet based shop? What type of advertising and marketing methods in the event you put into action to find the focus on site visitors you're looking for for the site?

The different seo options tend to be limitless nevertheless there's 1 pattern that’s already been developing greatly because the development associated with social networking social networking web sites. Without warning, every single person is able to state something which the whole world will likely be in a position to observe immediately. Exact same pertains to businesses, that may perform along with search engines research marketing companies to improve their own status as well as internet search engine score.

Exactly how when your company make use of the substantial possible associated with social bookmark submitting with no need associated with cluttering your site?

Discover exactly where your own group will go angling

Choose social networking websites which are broadly used within your network. An excellent sign is always to spend near concentrate in order to any nearby advertisements to see that social networking websites tend to be pointed out which informs people to appear all of them upward. Today’s social internet marketing is generally centered through Tweets as well as Myspace. Including interpersonal save posting choices offers your company a price free of charge strategy to find the idea close to by way of it's customers.

Possess the correct option

Numbers aren't frequently exactly what these people seem. Reach realize which kind of people make use of a particular social network site. A person wouldn’t desire to provide an alternative solution to talk about an internet site that’s regarding car insurance policies to some social networking that’s primarily made up of children beneath eighteen.

Maintain just the very best

These days there's a big growth within social network websites that provides social bookmark submitting integration along with websites. You might observe that “Add this” or even “Share this” plug ins are extremely well-liked within weblogs as well as internet sites that allows just a little popup which provides a summary of social internet marketing websites visitors might guide tag as well as reveal. Whilst you’ve the goal of growing to possess your own on-line business acknowledged within every social networking room by way of these potential customers, a person wouldn’t need to dissuade all of them as well once they visit a mess associated with social bookmark submitting options provided.

Place all of them collectively

Once you possess selected the very best internet sites for the kind of organization, team these types of control keys together with each other as well as placement all of them exactly where it's very easily observed within your site’s web page design. The actual pattern is actually putting all of them about the top correct exactly where individuals have become accustomed to viewing the actual hyperlinks presently there as well. Placing an excessive amount of switches may overwhelm your own person as well as could possibly dissuade all of them through discussing.

You will find usually much better control keys available on the market

Any kind of web style organization may instantly obtain the control keys they need through social networking web sites. Select the control keys that has interactive features such as exhibiting exactly how frequently customers possess preserved or even discussed a specific publish. You'll mainly uncover this particular along with Facebook’s ‘Like’ plugin.

Seo providers are in possession of the actual way of discovering their own type of client organizations on the internet because of interpersonal web sites. A person wouldn’t think that there are plenty greater than a 100 approximately social network providers along with numerous regular customers. With regard to efficient results, they might possibly get it done on their own or even obtain seo providers that provide social bookmark submitting.

Advertising and marketing With Twitter

A couple of years back, it had been difficult in order to clean from the hype on the internet regarding Tweets advertising resources. It had been believed which Tweets had been among the best methods to develop a checklist and also to obtain people to purchase these products you're marketing. Reducing with the hoopla, simply what type of outcomes are you able to anticipate following utilizing these types of Tweets advertising resources? Just how great is actually Tweets advertising? This short article may look at the situation with regard to getting included and also to observe in the event that it'll really pay back your time and energy.

Nervous to improve my personal revenue, We proceeded to go forward as well as began Tweets advertising to develop a sizable listing of fans wishing to show all of them in to customers. We wound up spending money on as well as becoming a member of applications that could obtain me personally fans as well as applications that could essentially market my personal items personally. Overall, I believe I purchased regarding 8 software packages to assist along with my personal Tweets advertising experience.

One of these simple applications had been a computerized ‘people follower’ upon Tweets with the aim which some of the people individuals might adhere to me personally back again. Following there is the actual Tweets advertising device that could un-follow those who weren't subsequent me personally. By doing this I possibly could end up being subsequent Tweets customers that may adhere to me personally back again. Among additional software program I purchased, there is 1 plan that instantly tweeted the article simply the moment it had been submitted in order to my personal weblog. At first, We really was happy with marketing campaign results following while using applications within mixture because they really shipped on which these people guaranteed. We had been quickly introduced right down to planet after i looked over my personal spreadsheet as well as noticed which i wasn’t really producing anything! I'd publish in order to my personal weblog 10 occasions every day and people articles will be proven on Tweets the same as they ought to. I quickly found a method to possess all of the weblog records carried out personally instantly, convinced that the greater articles I'd possess the much more people that might observe all of them.

Therefore enable me personally in order to give out my personal outcomes. Using this tactic more than 3 years resulted in nearly 10, 000 individuals subsequent me personally upon Tweets. It may seem this really is a fantastic quantity, however let’s proceed a little additional: Additionally previously 3 years I've experienced a minimum of 15, 000 associated with my personal blogs which were advertising affiliate marketer items submitted in order to my personal Tweets accounts. My personal blogs exhibiting upon Tweets had been the only real type of marketing for your weblog Used to do and also to check the potency of Tweets Used to do not really ping brand new articles because they had been released. Precisely how ‘good’ it had been quickly grew to become basic: following three years just 2 affiliate marketer product sales created me personally $46. 74 along with a additional $9. 10 with regard to Adsense. Along with simply two – four appointments daily originating from Tweets, perhaps this isn't astonishing.

In spite of me personally using resources to create the task simpler as well as attaining almost 10, 000 fans upon Tweets, We nevertheless couldn't change an authentic revenue utilizing Tweets advertising with regard to my personal weblog. The end result is how the cash I’ve created isn't adequate to pay for the price of the actual Tweets resources We bought to begin with. Therefore through my personal viewpoint, although there might be great methods to promote upon Tweets, purchasing the actual automated software programs aren't what you want.

Checking out Visitors, TRAFFIC

Something that folks perform is actually take advantage of visitors trades in an effort to generate visitors for their websites. You’ll uncover that we now have various views with regards to visitors trades, which leads to people in order to query whether or not they should to utilize all of them or even not really. As the fundamentals of the visitors trade are very easy something you’ll recognize is actually that almost all individuals who rely on them don’t understand how to take full advantage of all of them. With no correct info there’s absolutely no reason behind one to make use of visitors trades, however whenever used correctly they may be beneficial. In this post we're talking about the various techniques involved with dealing with visitors trades as well as be it worthwhile over time.

Should you don’t begin to build the network within these types of visitors trades that you're an associate associated with you'd most likely you need to be throwing away your time and effort. However should you commit slightly period browsing daily as well as invest much more period creating a network, over time you will discover which visitors trades could be lucrative. You have to realize that using a substantial network often means the actual distinction in between a person obtaining outcomes in addition to throwing away your time and effort.

The key reason it’s therefore essential regarding creating a network is actually which you’ll end up being generating sights associated with your website whenever your network utilizes the actual trades. The actual credit that you simply produce out of your network isn’t substantial, and that's why you'll want a large network generating a person credit. This is why you should construct a massive network, simply because unless of course you've got a large network the additional credit a person generate is probably not worthwhile. Whenever you obtain lots of women and men inside your network plus they are browsing continuously, you are able to wind up generating lots of additional credit.

The net web page that you simply market within the visitors trades will probably be an additional cause which you may end up being throwing away your time and effort such as a lot of other people. What you should end up being advertising is actually some type of guide catch web page which has your own opt-in type onto it to help you start creating a contact checklist. You'll be able to do that through providing the actual women and men a totally free obtain of the e-book or even software package once they sign up for your own checklist. Advertising an online site such as this can get a much better reaction compared to should you had been in order to simply sell some thing through the actual visitors trades. Using a landing page and also you obtain individuals e-mail handles you’ll discover that you'll be in a position to marketplace in order to him or her if you would like.

As it pertains as a result of this you will realize that should you actually want to obtain great results in the visitors trades you’ll realize that the landing page as well as a massive network is essential. Nevertheless should you simply intend on utilizing these types of websites your self with no network as well as without having advertising the guide catch web page you might recognize that you're throwing away your time and effort. Therefore if you're nevertheless asking yourself in the event that visitors trades are actually really worth your time and energy you’ll discover that they'll end up being, however they may furthermore be considered a waste materials of your time. Everything depends upon exactly how you’re likely to rely on them.

Creating a Much better E-mail marketing Marketing campaign

There's absolutely no question which, right now, you realize which to be successful in neuro-scientific Online marketing, you have to construct your personal checklist. Your own checklist is actually a summary of e-mail handles you have obtained via (ideally) lawful indicates (instead of buying or even leasing a listing through another person). The e-mail handles a person obtain ought to fit in with people who are fascinated for more information by what you’ve reached provide for them. Theoretically, the actual checklist is actually exactly where you'll generate your own real cash if you're able to place it to operate correct. Here are some ideas that will help do that.

Keep in mind that must be individual offers provided a person their own current email address doesn’t imply that you could e-mail all of them every day or even more often than once every single day. This kind of rate of recurrence reeks associated with junk e-mail. Additionally, it helps you to ensure that the actual information will obtain diluted. Make sure that, whenever you e-mail the folks in your checklist, they'll possess a accurate effect and they tend to be pleased to browse the phrases that you simply create.

Consist of a few actions to assist ensure that individuals actually want to end up being contained in your own e-mail checklist. In the event that absolutely nothing otherwise, they ought to confirm the e-mail handles which have been accustomed to sign up. Numerous entrepreneurs truly detest this particular concept however the individuals a person marketplace in order to may value that you're ensuring of the non-reflex involvement within their checklist. This additionally, it very essential to make certain that your own customers come with an simple choice with regard to departing your own checklist. The greater hard it's with regard to anyone to usub out of your e-mail checklist, the much more likely it's that individual will respect a person like a spammer as well as remove all you deliver for them.

This particular appears like it will proceed without having stating. As well as you’re correct, this most likely ought to, however right here it's anyway: ensure that every thing inside your e-mail is actually spelled away correct. Additionally, you have to keep your e-mail is actually grammatically proper. It’s alright in order to split the guidelines associated with sentence structure every so often whenever you achieve this intentionally to obtain visitors to note some thing particularly. For those who have plenty of grammatical imitation pas, although, a person don’t seem smart or even expert. This causes it to be difficult for people to consider a person critically and they'll not really end up being because prone to buy some thing these people think about less than professional.

Should you don’t possess composing expertise, participate the actual providers of the expert to complete this for you personally. Expert copywriters as well as content material authors might genuinely stop the actual composing inside your e-mail upward a number of steps. Your own revenue will definitely thanks for this. A professional author may understand how to create within great, interesting as well as convincing methods that will assist assure that individuals consider those things you need these phones consider.

A person remain in order to generate a myriad of cash along with e-mail marketing. Excellent e-mail marketing may genuinely increase your own revenue border as well as market much more of the services. Normally, in order to truly help to make a direct effect, you have to keep your e-mail possess the correct strategy or even these people won’t end up being almost because efficient while you would like these phones end up being.

Upgrade to premium socialmonkee tricks for free

I actually include people who are especially cautious in buying a script or software that helps in generating better GA. I myself noticed that backlinks are very important in the SERP, so the script such as social Monkee very helpful. Creating scripts is also actually not too difficult if we are familiar with php, but of course if you want to post to the thousands of social bookmarking and research requires considerable time, I estimate about 1-2 months.
But because I saw the weakness of the system of referrals made by social monkey then i did this trick and do not create your own script. And especially the social script monkey was tested by tens of thousands of people, so that its success was assured.
The trick is simple:
1. Do not install the plugin from social Monkee before becoming a premium member.
2. If already installed, do the following: in Mozzila select the menu Tools-> Options, on the General Tab select Manage AddOn, then Disable Script Social Monkee.
3. Sign up for social Monkee to get a referral link.
3. Sign up for free email 12, try to vary, eg,,,, etc..
4. Prepare Open Proxy List, because the system used by social Monkee is an IP and an email may only register one time while using the browser open proxy then we will change the IP. To view a free list of open proxies I use
5. Select the proxy port 8080 or port 80 (this port is used by the browser), select the type of Proxy anonymous is not transparent. Choose a True status (SLL With Support).
6. The way the proxy settings in the browser Mozzila: Select Tools-> Options-> Advanced-> Select the Network tab, select Connection Settings section.
7. Select Manual proxy configuration, check use this proxy server for all protocols.
8. Then fill in the http proxy to the proxy list before, for example: 93. 121. 58. 44 and port 8080 or 80 according filled degan open proxy list.
9. Please check using tracemyip. org, it would seem you as visitors from other countries (according to the proxy). Then go to the social with the Monkee your referral and register with a dummy email that you created above.
10. Activate membership referral that has been sent to the email. And congratulations you've got a referral. Do this 12 times, or perhaps more so not suspected by the owner of Monkee social. Do not forget to change the proxy as much as 12 times with a proxy list above.
Good luck.

I recommend that when using open proxies, do not open your personal data such as primary email (except the dummy e-mail reply was made), edit the wp-admin web-eg, a data bank, paypal login or GA. Because open proxy will record all your activities (rumors also recorded a password, so just in case do not open your personal data). And please do not use open proxy to click on your GA account, although it can be done, but google will know when you cheat, sooner or later. Remember that your open proxy is a free open proxy, so many are using the Proxy IP.
Hopefully useful.
Submit your 
content Every Day to 25 social 
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Report made good, and report the results of social Monkee post is also quite good. If we post with a regular 25 posts per day then the report can be viewed only half of his 12 report. If it's a premium then the report will be displayed that previously was closed all full. Until now this method can be used, maybe if no one has used it googling. Oh yes I did check free proxy much in use to social Monkee, probably many who already practice secretly. I have a list that has not been shared, for those who wish to list please PM only for 5 people, each will get 10 different IP. Sorry if anyone feels this way inhibits him from selling backlinks. Thank you.

Website link Constructing - Beginners Information

 Website link Constructing could very well be the main aspect in the particular rating of one's internet site very about well-known engines like google.

Exactly why?
Essentially, can be a website link being a political election to your web site. Each and every url to your internet site coming from one more web site demonstrates engines like google consent, the particular site of one's web site among others just like your pet to your internet site. The harder "voice" of one's internet site, the harder well-known your internet site is known as. Parallels it is not effortless, since numerous comments as you can to succeed in the most notable.

Its not all votes are usually the same
Several votes are usually well worth greater than other folks. And lots of aspects effect the particular fat features a website link.

PAGE RANK web sites : for your rating regarding Yahoo in case a web site using a Page rank regarding 10 back links in your web site, this kind of political election a lot more beneficial when compared to a website link from your Page rank 3 web site. Without a doubt, any Page rank 10, the particular Yahoo internet site, a web site which is higher than the particular Page rank 3 web site. Page ranking will be a smaller amount crucial. As an example, We have any PAGE RANK 1 web site that's not any school for a few extremely competing keywords and phrases.

Meaning : the particular meaning of your internet site to suit your needs is probably the most critical items. The main element will be back links coming from web sites in which promote related regarding keywords and phrases and also articles to have positioned. As an example, in case you are any professional photographer, a web link from your web site regarding PAGE RANK Images 1 may well be more beneficial when compared to a website link coming from a great inconsequential PR-6 web site. The harder clever engines like google to discover articles with the highest significance about this kind of invest moment grow to be.

Single point text message : the writing utilized to cause your internet site is really important. Single point text message could be the text message inside the website link alone is employed. As an example, you might point out: select my own site's the following or perhaps you can view my own get together images web site. As a result may help engines like google decide the attention and also utilize to boost the search positions regarding keywords and phrases inside the text message.

Needless to say you can find some other aspects, yet in the event you commence contemplating these kinds of bottoms, yet this kind of basic selection in the event you still left will certainly increase the rating.

Thus today you recognize exactly why the basic principles regarding website link constructing is very important to find out where to find these kinds of back links?

Normal website link constructing.
Several SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING can inform you the simplest way is always to acquire back links, and the ones desire to compose intriguing articles, your internet site independently website link. Although that is at times the truth, and may often be motivated, it's extremely tough to produce. To boost the odds to have several social bookmark creating switches in your web site to produce that simple for viewers to share with you making use of their close friends.

Community forum exhibit
Even though some folks differ together with is in fact my own desired kind of website link constructing. I am aware folks believe that it is immoral and also for some reason the fact remains that when you just community forums regarding e-mail along with your website link azines next sure they may be appropriate.

In case you are ready to spending some time and turn into area of the local community, you should stick to the particular back links. Several community forums you can a web link as well as the text message to include the particular unique so that it includes each submit a web link. Several community forums demand that you will be a part for a time or perhaps to get a certain pair of areas, thus you should arrive at the particular community forum and also discuss the experience inside the debate.

Don't forget the particular skilled regulators to own their particular point out to enable you to and present advice to check for the local community. The website link and also internet site could be beneficial to viewers.

Social bookmark creating
Furthermore certainly one of the best kinds of website link constructing, yet several, often times. Arranging or perhaps sociable adding lets you distribute the website link and also political election regarding other folks about in which web site. One more excellent related articles is very important in order to look at the website with this web site.

Write-up Submitting
For me personally, this article submitting will be a thing that My partner and i by no means actually experienced. My partner and i believe it is extremely frustrating so when a small business operator, it is extremely challenging to publish quite a few posts along with preserving my own website up to date. Regarding a number of the phrases folks are one of the better techniques for getting back links.

Are you currently a professional within your industry are usually compose properly, you will want to discuss these records together with other folks.

When this article will be composed, you ought to acquire syndicated. There are numerous write-up submitting web sites are usually, yet It is advisable to locate related web sites locally, apart from any invitee tumblr or perhaps feedback.

Constructing reciprocal back links
This kind of has to be my own desired kind to create one or more website link, nonetheless it nonetheless have got the spot. Any reciprocal website link in the event you be given a url to a site in trade to get a url to an individual. Several believe they will cancel the other person, yet in the event you supply a website link from your internet site sufficient reason for the correct single point text message, that can be a specific benefit so that you can generate this kind of website link. When you have numerous web sites, it is possible to will have a web link swap 3-way website link returning to the second place.

Index Submission moves
It will be filled up with 1000s of net index which you distribute your internet site and acquire a web link again authorized. Index observations may be extended and also monotonous. Each and every submitting has to be minimize personally together with authentic games and also information for the principles with the index. Several demand regarding index submitting yet the majority are totally free.

I know just like index submission moves as a method to market associations as compared to an individual, yet usually do not depend on these because the simply way to obtain inbound links

Bottom line. Truth be told that individuals simply scuff the outer lining so that you can create a website link coming from an easy to use approach. Spending some time on your own website link constructing , nor expect you'll take place down the road. Back links must seem normal, if the web site 2k back links right away, it is possible to work the chance of your bar about the major search engines. In case a continual existing regarding 50 fresh travel arrangements right now there to get a few days, you might be on the right course.

7 methods to improve your site visitors

indonesianIndonesian Sometimes we are confused about how to actually develop a brand new weblog the following, perhaps related to the initial step to identify what a great subject, name, and so on. domain name. Both follow the weblog Therefore, sometimes we get confused in what actions should be done? Of course we all have writers want or even have a large readership or customers, want to express your opinion using the world, want to get the flowers, trying to end up being well-known, want to make a title on your own or even want to have fun! hehehe wait, what just wishful actually consider? despite the fact that my personal weblog continues to be peaceful, though not poor, say it is much more amazing, is not necessarily ... who understands you smarter with it.

Listed here are 7 techniques that should be done to improve the visitor weblog, definitely fairly simple, simple and efficient.

1. Distribution of Internet search engines while 90% related to the visitor or visitors coming from the engine like google, google, msn and more. After that how to get your site looking websit catalog, through your website post WEB ADDRESS in the list. after that how do people do this?

Listed here are the actual actions:

-Go to internet charges Exempt Distribution, after writing down your site WEB ADDRESS and choose the actual internet search engine to

indexing your site. Done!

-Or it may also give the individual search engines like google specifically Search engines 3,

google, and msn, but to go to the following hyperlink:

Distribution Search engines, Google Distribution, Distribution Msn.

two. Publish to Weblog Weblog Site

Well, now you've done the most important components of your site looking through posting websit. The next thing is to publish your site to the site weblog, supplying industrial methods caliber weblog visitors. There are many sites weblog, but only a few works. Along with publishing your site for a weblog site to help inform the actual life associated with minimal weblog, and we would be very easy to get site visitors.

3. Leveraging social networks in order to Appeal to Focus on Weblogs All of us

All people use Myspace, Tweets, such as interpersonal websites to connect with friends, loved ones and the world. Exploit this to get visitors as well as visitors to the weblog.

There are many additional sites for use where one can market your site. Helping to make every post we publish on weblogs all, after that immediately account will even publish all of them on myspace and tweet. This is an efficient method to attract people to weblog.

four. Overcoming focus on Article directory sites

There are many article directory sites where one can publish your own content articles to internet sites for free, for example, Myspace, Tweets, and so on ... Actual actions tend to be:

-Writing article content 5-10

-Makes a great explanation of them fit in the user profile under your own posts.

-Use the hyperlink to your weblog as an indication that it's your own posts.

-And Publishing!

5. Blogwalking and Commenting

Maybe this is actually the most basic methods to market your site or even find back links. Methods that we observe on your own, in fact for many writers, should have or need to do this. And the result is enough to increase visitor weblog. With regard to statements or even trouble to set off the road every time blogwalking As my personal example before publishing how to discuss the dofollow weblog related to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION optimization. My personal request is actually not underestimate blogwalking and information.

6. Take part in the actual discussion board

Discussion forums will also be a great way to market weblog and attractive to visitors. Exactly what should be done as follows:

-Find the actual discussion boards related to the main topic of your site.

Sign-Up for sure! additional

-Interact with other people and certainly while trying to find understanding!

-Creating a hyperlink to your weblog as a "signature" or may be connected to a weblog, relating to

looked under all the articles of your own.

-Signature (hyperlink to your weblog), you will allow the individual to learn about your site

The way you and your weblog.

7. Content material is actually full (Complete actual content material!) #)

Different content material definitely preferred, and do not hesitate every time we have in duplicate as well as insert the actual content material, hohoho ... it turned out to be the future of excellent post. As well as helping to make my own, We feel very happy if you find duplicate insert, showing the article I wrote was interesting and good, although sometimes creates bad feelings! And do not really hypocritical, related to the research we also provide unfaithful. hihihii beginners may recognize that many further research: g

With regard to content material, try additional real name as well as interesting content material as you possibly can, the real goal will help to make an individual or site visitors keen to see the post.

Well that is what I would do to improve or enhance my personal weblog visitors, as well as a beginner I have had requests come in, be sure to express the knowledge that much better. Might be able to help.

Trik upgrade jadi premium socialmonkee gratis

trik Upgrade Premium socialmonkee , aku benar-benar termasuk hati terutama dalam membeli script atau software yang membantu dalam menghasilkan GA baik. Saya sendiri menyadari bahwa backlink sangat penting dalam SERP, sehingga script seperti Social Monkee sangat membantu. Script ini juga membuat sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit jika kita sudah tahu php, tapi tentu saja jika Anda ingin posting ke ribuan social bookmarking membutuhkan penelitian yang cukup besar dan waktu, saya memperkirakan sekitar 1-2 bulan.

Tapi seperti yang saya melihat kelemahan dari sistem rujukan oleh monyet sosial maka saya melakukan trick ini dan tidak membuat script sendiri. Dan terutama script sosial Monkey diuji oleh puluhan ribu orang, sehingga dijamin sukses.

Caranya sederhana:

1. Jangan menginstal plugin dari Social Monkee sebelum menjadi anggota premium.

2. Bila sudah terinstal, lakukan hal berikut: di mozzila pilih menu Tools-> Options, pada tab General pilih Manage AddOn, lalu Disable Script Social Monkee.

3. Mendaftar untuk Social Monkee untuk mendapatkan link referral.

3. Mendaftar untuk email gratis 12, coba variasikan, misalnya,,, dll.

4. Siapkan Daftar Proxy Terbuka, karena sistem yang digunakan oleh Social Monkee adalah salah satu IP dan satu email bisa mendaftar satu kali saja saat menggunakan browser proxy terbuka maka kita akan mengubah IP-nya. Untuk melihat daftar gratis proxy terbuka saya menggunakan

5. Pilih proxy port 8080 atau port 80 (port yang digunakan browser), pilih Jenis Proxy anonim tidak transparan. Pilih status Benar (Dengan Dukungan SLL).

6. Bagaimana mengatur proxy di browser mozzila: Pilih Tools-> Options-> Advanced-> Pilih tab Jaringan, pilih bagian Connection Settings.

7. Pilih konfigurasi proxy manual, centang menggunakan server proxy untuk semua protokol.

8. Lalu isi http proxy sebelum daftar proxy, misalnya: dan port 8080 atau 80 sesuai degan diisi daftar proxy terbuka.

9. Silakan periksa menggunakan, Anda akan terlihat sebagai pengunjung dari negara lain (sesuai dengan proxy). Lalu pergi ke Social Monkee dengan referral Anda dan mendaftar dengan email dummy yang sudah anda buat tadi.

10. Aktifkan keanggotaan referral yang telah dikirim ke email. Dan selamat anda punya arahan. Lakukan ini 12 kali, atau lebih agar tidak dicurigai oleh pemilik di Social Monkee. Jangan lupa untuk mengubah proxy sebanyak 12 kali daftar proxy di atas.

Good luck.


Saya sarankan ketika menggunakan open proxy, jangan menghapus data pribadi seperti email utama (kecuali email yg boneka dibuat), edit wp-admin web contoh, data bank, paypal atau masuk GA. Karena open proxy akan mencatat semua aktivitas Anda (rumor juga mencatat password, jadi hanya dalam jgn data pribadi kasus terbuka). Dan tolong jangan gunakan open proxy untuk mengklik akun GA Anda, meskipun itu bisa dilakukan, tapi google akan tahu kapan Anda menipu, cepat atau lambat. Ingat bahwa Anda membuka open proxy adalah proxy gratis, sehingga banyak yang menggunakan IP Proxy.

Semoga bermanfaat.



Laporan dibuat hasil yang baik, dan laporan dari pos Social Monkee juga cukup baik. Jika kita posting 25 posting sehari dengan laporan rutin sehingga Anda dapat melihat hanya setengah dari laporannya, yaitu 12. Jika premium maka laporan yang sebelumnya ditutup akan ditampilkan semua penuh. Sampai sekarang cara ini dapat digunakan, mungkin googling jika tidak ada yang menggunakannya. Oh ya, sebelum saya cek dalam menggunakan banyak proxy gratis ke Social Monkee, mungkin banyak yang sudah berlatih secara diam-diam. Saya memiliki daftar yang belum dibagi, bagi mereka yang ingin listnya silahkan PM hanya untuk 5 orang, masing2 akan mendapatkan 10 IP yang berbeda. Maaf jika ada yang merasa cara ini menghambat penyediaan menjual backlink. Terima kasih.

Merubah username facebook

tutorial blog Mbahyarnama atau nama panggilan pengguna adalah link yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mengingat halaman profil facebookan menjadi lebih mudah, tidak seperti link asli adalah angka yang banyak itu.Dalam beberapa waktu ketika membuat Facebook Username dibuka sudah ada jutaan orang membuat, karena nama pengguna Facebook adalah link unik yang hanya dapat dimiliki oleh satu orang. Bayangkan saja begitu banyak orang yang menggunakan nama yang sama bahwa Facebook dan rata-rata ingin nama pengguna facebook sendiri. Dengan kata lain mereka memiliki ras berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan username Facebook. Untuk mendapatkan usename Facebook silahkan klik disini

Madu dalam aturan kita tidak bisa mengubah nama pengguna Facebook yang telah dibuat, dan jika telah membuatnya harus berterima kasih nasib: (

Kabar baik bagi anda yang ingin mengubah username Facebook. Facebook membuka kesempatan sekali lagi untuk mengubah nama pengguna bahwa Anda memiliki hak sekarang.

Berikut adalah cara untuk mengubah username Facebook

  1. Sorot dengan setting dari mouse (pengaturan) dan pilih akun setttings (pengaturan akun) atau klik disini
  2. Klik perubahan tombol (perubahan) dalam username (nama pengguna)
  3. Masukkan username yang diinginkan dan cek pers availibality (cek ketersediaan)
  4. Jika username yang diinginkan tersedia silakan klik confirm (konfirmasi)
Sudah Selesai, Pekerjaan Baik ....

Download foto facebook dengan mudah

Suatu kali, ketika ia sedang berjalan-jalan di facebook, berkunjung dari satu profil ke profil lain tiba-tiba Anda menemukan profil facebook seseorang yang sangat menarik, indah dan tentu saja manis. Sejauh tidak berkedip mata dan hati Anda tanpa sadar berkata, "kok ada yakh, gadis manis yang lebih cantik dari pacarku?!" Akhirnya anda Add gadis cantik dan manis, dan tunas ulampun tercinta tiba, gadis itu juga berbalik online di facebook lagi memakai Blackberry-nya, akhirnya tanpa proses panjang dalam permintaan dech Konfirmasi tanpa basa-basi, dan akhirnya Anda dapat dengan bebas mengeksplorasi setiap kurva profil gadis itu.tutorial blog Mbahyar

Tapi pas di album foto, Anda berhenti cukup lama memahami ada banyak gambar gadis-gadis yang cantik dan manis gigi dengan berbagai gaya yang membuat Anda semakin penasaran. Ingin dilihat dan Hemat satu persatu mungkin memakan waktu lama, karena di album ini ada lebih dari 200 lembar foto?

Nah, jika Anda pernah mengalami sesuatu seperti itu di mana Anda penasaran untuk melihat dan menyimpan semua gambar di Album Foto di Facebook, di sini saya menjelaskan bagaimana untuk men-download foto facebook Anda dapat dengan mudah memakai Add On khusus untuk Firefox yang memungkinkan Anda untuk men-download semua gambar dalam album foto Facebook. FacePad Anda cukup untuk menginstal Firefox maka Anda siap untuk men-download seluruh foto ke laptop Anda dari Album Foto Facebook tanpa harus membuka foto satu per satu.

Sangat mudah, setelah FacePad dipasang di Firefox Anda, sehingga Anda menemukan Photo Album tautan Facebook, Anda klik kanan link dan pilih Download Album dengan FacePad. Download akan disimpan dalam folder default download dari Firefox.

Silahkan Klik Disini Untuk Install Addon Mozilla FacePad tidak Lupakan untuk Restart Mozilla nya.

Menambah Kecepatan Harddisk pada Windows XP

Untuk meningkatkan kecepatan membaca dan menulis data pada hard drive pada Windows XP, Anda harus mengkonfigurasi buffer khusus dalam memori komputer sehingga pertandingan antara memori dan interupsi yang dibuat oleh hard drive.

Catatan:tutorial blog Mbahyar

Untuk melakukan Tips ini saya sarankan Anda untuk memiliki minimal RAM 256MB.

Kami baru saja mulai. Untuk meningkatkan kecepatan hard drive yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

  1. Klik Start => Run. Dalam dialog Run ketik "SYSEDIT.EXE" (tanpa tanda kutip) untuk membuka System Configuration Editor.
  2. Pada jendela System Configuration Editor, menemukan jendela System.ini
  3. Di system.ini jendela melihat garis yang disebut [386Enh]. Biasanya ada di tengah-tengah seluruh baris.
  4. Jika Anda menemukannya, tekan Enter pada keyboard untuk menulis ketik:Irq14=4096 Sysedit Catatan: Line ini adalah CASE SENSITIVE ! Jadi Anda harus mengetiknya dengan benar.
  5. Setelah itu simpan dengan mengklik menu File => Simpan.
  6. Tutup jendela System Configuration Editor dan restart komputer terakhir.

Sampai titik ini semuanya selesai. Perubahan akan muncul setelah restart komputer.

Perbarui: Perubahan kecepatan ini paling efektif dilakukan pada IDE hard drive. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan juga berhasil dilakukan pada Harddisk SCSI. Oleh karena itu, perubahan ini tidak membahayakan fatal bagi komputer Anda jika Anda mencoba terlebih dahulu.

Cara Mempercepat koneksi internet dengan Windows XP Professional

Jika komputer Anda kebetulan menggunakan sistem operasi Windows XP Professional yang digunakan untuk browsing internet ada tips yang kecepatan internet bukan bandwith lambat disebabkan oleh pengaturan default dalam batas Windows Xp pada sekitar 20% dari total bandwidth yang terhubung ke komputer Anda. Batasan ini merupakan bagian dari paket Quality of Service (QoS) untuk Wiindows XP. Karena paket jarang digunakan bagian Anda dapat mengubah yang bertujuan untuk mempercepat, koneksi internet dengan bandwidth melabarkan ke komputer yang Anda gunakan.

Langkah-langkahnya adalah:

  1. klik start menu dan menjalankan Run
  2. Ketik "gpedit.msc" dan klik OK
  3. di Comfiguration Komputer kelompoknya, 2x klik Administrative Template, klik Network 2x, 1x klik QoS Packet Scheduler, lihat panel sebelah kanan, cari kata "Limit reservable bandwidth" pilih diaktifkan dan menetapkan nilai dengan angka 0, klik OK
  4. restart komputer Anda dan browsing internet seperti biasa.

Menyiapkan atas akan terasa bila dikombinasikan dengan mengubah pengaturan default Mozilla Firefox akan terasa sekali kecepatan saat browsing internet dengan menggunakan Mozilla Firefox.

mempercepat browsing Internet mozilla

tutorial blog MbahyarUntuk peselancar ria di internet dunia dalam khususnya para pengguna browser yang Mozilla Firefox, ada banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mempercepat kinerja kecepatan internet Anda dengan mengubah beberapa konfigurasi standar pada browser mozilla firefox Anda. Menunggu dan menunggu meskipun keyboard dan mouse sudah gepeng di pijat, ditekan saking kesal menunggu ...... Ada beberapa trik sedikit bahwa Anda bisa lakukan untuk mempercepat sambungan browser mozilla. Silahkan ikuti panggung-tahap berikut dibawah ini ini
  1. buka mozilla firefox nya
  2. Pada Address Bar Ketik: about: CONFIG sehingga yang muncul dialog, kemudian klik tombol "Aku akan berhati-hati, aku janji!"
  3. Cari string dan mengubah nilai dengan cara kali klik 2 kali, nilai-nilai-nilai-nilai harus seperti di bawah ini ini

  • network.http.pipelining BENAR
  • network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 64
  • network.http.proxy.pipelining BENAR
  • Buat setring baru bagaimana: Klik Kiri 1X Dimana Saja, Klik Kanan BARU >> INTEGER lalu ketik: nglayout.initialpaint.delay Berikan 'Nilai 0
  • Kemudian REFRESH atau Tekan F5
  • Restart mozilla nya atau nya dan melakukan meramban seperti seperti biasanya, lalu merasakan perbedaannya.

Jika Anda menggunakan program Perangkat Lunak Alat SwitchProxy yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengubah proxy secara otomatis dalam Mozilla Firefox dan memperluas bandwidth ke komputer yang sedang Anda pakai kebutuhan untuk menambahkan pengaturan sebagai berikut:
  • browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs yang sejati
  • network.http.max-connections 64
  • network.http.max-koneksi-per-server 20
  • network.http.max-persistent-koneksi-per-proxy 10
  • network.http.max-persistent-koneksi-per-server 4
  • network.http.request.timeout 300
  • network.http.request.max-start-delay 0
  • Kemudian REFRESH atau Tekan F5
  • Restart mozilla nya atau nya dan melakukan meramban seperti seperti biasanya, lalu merasakan perbedaannya.

Bagaimana indah jika Anda menggunakan OS Windows Xp Professional dengan catatan mengubah pengaturan default bandwidth ke Windows XP Professional. Settingan ini membuat Upload dengan cepat, tapi membuat seseorang kesal yang meramban pake komputer lain karena untuk menarik Bandwidth ke komputer yang Anda sekali pakai.

Cara menghack komputer warnet

Setiap orang yang mencintai menyenangkan pergi ke warnet . Kalo cafe merasa beruntung yang kita kenakan layanan kami untuk bangsa sangat memuaskan saat dikenakan untuk di-download, chating, atau apapun mulus tanpa suatu halangan Sreet ... sret ... apesnya lulus sret ... tapi kami menggunakan jasa dari sebuah kafe yang sangat infuriating dengan teman sekelas pentium 3 fasilitas komputer dengan sekitar 256MB dari memori menggunakan OS Windows XP ditambah gila-gilaan tidak pantas. Yang paling menyebalkan dari semua adalah tugas fungsi ditiadakannya Manager, regedit, mengenakan defreeze lagi, menempatkan pada komputer sehingga aja sangat bangga untuk meminta pengampunan. Bayangkan Hanya dengan diri Anda sendiri ..... Um gendok cepat yang benar-benar tes mental dan kesabaran. klik pada Mozilla atau IE pernah meminta maaf, itu tidak sampai apalagi mengetik alamat website untuk browsing dan download.

Mungkin kafe sebagai ibukota sengaja mabuk, bandwidth terkendali sehingga pengguna dapat menggunakan layanan jam warnetnya. Waktu demi waktu kesabaran saya memberi saya yang hasilnya Akali dengan cara berikut:

a. Enble pertama ya regeditnya, biasanya sengaja disamble cafe-huh regeditnya, cara mudah untuk tetap salin script di bawah ini ke notepad pastikan save as type dokumen teks (*. Txt) diganti oleh semua File dan ketik nama nama nya Files Aktifkan Regedit. inf

HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,”regedit.exe “%1″”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools,0×00000020,0
Setelah di save, cari filenya dan klik kanan lalu pilih Install. Lalu Tekan Tombol F5
b. Klik Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tool > Service
c. Dalam Nama lapangan untuk menemukan Indexing Service, klik 2x, sehingga menu akan muncul sebagai berikut: 1 untuk menonaktifkan bagian otomatis, 2. Klik Stop, dan kemudian klik OK. lihat gambar di bawah ini,

Hack Internet Cafe 1

d. Ikuti cara-cara yang telah dijelaskan huruf c. Windows XP dengan layanan berikut di bawah ini;

- Clipbook
- Computer Browser
- Human Interface Device Acces
- IPSEC Services
- Network DDE
- Network DDE DSDM
- Secondary Logon
- Server
- SSDP Discovery Service
- System Event Notification
- TCP/IP NetBios Helper
- Telnet
- Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
- Automatic Updates
- Task Schedules
- System Restore Services
- Windows Audio
- Themes

e. Undeepfreeze dilakukan, yaitu untuk membuka sebuah partisi beku ketika partisi di mana komputer cafe setia langganan oleh adminnya membekukan Anda dalam mengisntall masa lalu Anda sebuah program Pengaturan atau melakukan apapun di atas ketika restart akan kembali lagi sebelum Anda menginstal program. kekacauan-gratis setiap hak untuk kembali ke kafe yang harus Anda lakukan pengaturan ulang, menginstal program download manager lagi .... WUH ulangi pengaturan jendela, kekacauan-bebas .... dah ... mengurus hal itu Anda dapat men-download program Anti Deepfreeze.

  1. Yang mendalam Freezenya pratinjau versi dengan tombol SHIFT dan tekan modus yang sesuai dengan mencet Icon Deefreeze 2 kali dalam sudut kanan bawah
  2. jika Anda sudah tahu versi menjalankan program UndeepFreezenya, pilih versi, kemudian klik Apply menu notifikasi akan muncul, cukup klik OK. Ingat versi harus sama jika Anda tidak Program undeepfreeze dapat tidak membukanya.
  3. tekan tombol SHIFT yang sesuai dengan mencet Icon Deefreeze lain 2 kali di sudut kanan Bawah, sekarang lakukan tidak perlu lagi memasukkan sandi lagi untuk log in, Anda tinggal klik OK
  4. Pilih Boot Control menu tab, pilih Boot Thawed dan Klik Apply dan Reboot. Anda juga dapat mengubah password dengan login tab Sandi, Di Inggris Anda hidup memasukkan password Anda, sehingga seorang administrator tidak bisa login ke kafe menu Deepfreeze, ia ... he ... dia pusing dan bulat ...
  5. Setelah restart, log in seperti biasa dan Anda ingin lebih lanjut atas tuh diapain komputer cafe misalnya perubahan settingan komputer, instal program download manager dan sebagainya.
  6. Setelah Anda puas ngutak-ngatik komputer warnet, jangan lupa untuk melakukan Freeze kembali dengan mengulangi langkah-langkah ... hanya di opsi ini memilih Boot Beku.

Ambil UndeepFreeze Program

f. Menyembunyikan layar billing explorer v.2.0 Program ZHider login. ya ... sebenarnya kami tempati komputer cafe sebenarnya mampu untuk menelusuri, tetapi terhalang oleh program seperti penagihan explorer, di sini kita menggunakan program untuk ZHider diakali untuk menyembunyikan layar login adalah Billing Explorer. tutorialnya aku cinta ya ....

  1. Pastikan Anda memilih kafe yang masih banyak ruang / kamar dengan baik-kosong. Pertanyaan Klo mengapa rame ntar operator yang mencurigakan yang masih memiliki sebuah ruangan kosong?
  2. Lebih disukai siapa neraka Anda memilih ruangan terjauh jauh dari cafe Operator gak ketauan membiarkan Anda kamar yang kosong atau ngga.
  3. Nyalakan komputer di depan Anda klo masih dalam kematian.
  4. Klo tidak ada layar login, Anda log ayah yang kaya normal.
  5. ZHider yang menjalankan SAYA Anda download disini, dapat klo dimasukin ayah rumah untuk membiarkan flashdisk gak tidak men-download kafe.
  6. Klo ZHider sudah terbuka, secara langsung ayah logout.
  7. Ntar pasti muncul layar login, Anda memeras CTRL + ALT + Z
  8. Tiba-tiba screennya menghilaang Login! jangan terkejut ... itu pertanda Anda dapat untuk browse ke konten hati Anda secara gratis sampai mati, ia ... he ...
  9. Klo're puas, Anda memeras CTRL + ALT + X untuk menampilkan kembali layar login kita menyembunyikan SAYA yg terakhir.
  10. Login sebagai biasaa, Anda browsing2 pertama kalinya beberapa menit sampai dalam indikator di atas 5 menit. Tujuannya biarkan gak operator cafe yang mencurigakan.
  11. Logout, menginstal antarmuka tanpa dosa, dan membayar tarif!

Men-download Program v.2.0 ZHider

Sudah baik-baik saja, komputer sialan cafe dapat bernapas napas lega. Tips bila dikombinasikan dengan merubah setingan bandwitdh Windows Xp dan setting Mozilla Firefox sangat kekuatan penuh harap verifikasi diri Anda sendiri. Tips ini dapat digunakan tidak hanya untuk komputer tetapi komputer kantor aja kafe atau komputer di rumah juga bisa.

Cara terampuh Menghapus virus shortcut di komputer

tutorial blog MbahyarSelamat pagi semua sobat, ada apa? oke mudah-mudahan. Saya berharap puasa sebelumnya untuk menjalankan sobat :). Hari kedua puasa Oke, saya ingin berbagi 2 Tips & Trik menghapus virus shortcut. Mungkin untuk sobat & flashdisknya komputer rumah tangga penuh dengan virus shortcut, tutorial ini mungkin berguna. Ok hanya mendengarkan dan dipraktekkan secara langsung :)


Berikut 8 langkah praktis untuk membekukan virus dapat mengubah folder dalam USB flash disk menjadi shortcut tersebut:

1. Nonaktifkan 'System Restore' untuk sementara selama proses pembersihan.

2. Putuskan hubungan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan.

3. Matikan proses virus yang aktif di memori dengan menggunakan tools 'Ice Sword'. Setelah alat dipasang, pilih file yang memiliki icon "Microsoft Visual Basic Project 'kemudian klik' Hentikan Proses '. Silahkan download tools tersebut di

4. Hapus registri yang dibuat oleh virus dengan cara:

-. Klik tombol [Start]

-. Klik [Run]

-. Tekan Regedit.exe, lalu klik [OK]

-. Dalam aplikasi Registry Editor, cari key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run]

-. Kemudian hapus kunci yang memiliki data [C: \ Document and Settings \% pengguna%].

5. Nonaktifkan autoplay / autorun pada Windows. Copy script di bawah ini di notepad dan menyimpan program dengan nama REPAIR.INF, install file tersebut dengan cara: klik kanan REPAIR.INF -> INSTALL

HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,”regedit.exe “%1″”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255
6. Hapus File induk dan file duplikat yang dibuat oleh virus termasuk di flash disk. Untuk mempercepat proses pencarian, Anda dapat menggunakan 'Search'. Sebelum melakukan pencarian sebaiknya tampilkan semua file yang tersembunyi di Folder Options untuk mengubah pengaturan.

Jangan menunggu sampai sesuatu yang tidak beres pada saat master file atau menghapus file duplikat yang dibuat oleh virus. Kemudian hapus file induk virus fitur:

-. Icon 'Microsoft Visual Basic Project'.

-. Dimensi Berkas 128 KB (untuk varian lain akan memiliki berbagai ukuran).

-. File Ekstesi. 'Exe' atau. 'SCR'.

-. Jenis file 'Application' atau 'Screen Saver'.

Kemudian hapus file shortcut duplikat yang memiliki fitur ini:

>. Icon folder atau icon

>. Extension. LNK

>. File Type 'Shortcut'

>. Ukuran file 1 KB

Juga menghapus file. DLL (misalnya ert.dll) dan file Autorun.inf di flash disk atau folder yang di-share. Sementara untuk menghindari virus tersebut aktif kembali, hapus file induk memiliki EXE atau SCR terlebih dahulu ekstensi baru dan berkas Shortcut delete (LNK.).

7. Folder Unhide telah disembunyikan oleh virus. Untuk mempercepat proses tersebut, silahkan download tools UnHide File and Folder di

Setelah diinstall, pilih direktori [C: \ Documents dan pengaturan] dan folder di flash disk dengan cara menggeser ke kolom yang sudah tersedia. Pada [Attributes] kosongkan semua pilihan, kemudian klik tombol [Change Attributes].

8. Instal patch keamanan Microsoft Windows Shell shortcut penanganan kode jauh-eksekusi kerentanan MS10-046 '. Silahkan download patch keamanan di

Seperti biasa, untuk pembersihan yang optimal dan infeksi menecegah ulangi, harus menginstal antivirus dan scan dengan up-to-date dan mampu mendeteksi virus ini dengan baik.


Shortcut karakteristik virus:

- Pertama-tama, setelah menginfeksi komputer, ia akan membuat file induk database.mdb di My Documents

- Yang kedua adalah virus akan membuat file autorun.inf di setiap drive hard disk, flash disk, dan folder tanpa kecuali.

- Yang ketiga adalah bahwa ia akan membuat file yang Thumb.db (hati-hati, harus menyadari bahwa file ini tanpa huruf s ketika thumbnail cache yang asli pada komputer dengan huruf s alias thumbs.db tambahan) di setiap folder

Memancing pengorbanan, ia akan membuat file Microsoft.lnk dan New Harry Potter and .... lnk di setiap folder jika dilaksanakan akan langsung mengaktifkan virus. Seperti virus lokal lainnya, ia akan membuat duplikat dari setiap folder, tapi kali ini bukan dengan ekstensi. Exe kecuali extensi. Alias ​​tinta pintas.

Di task manager ada proses yang menjalankan layanan wscript.exe. Dalam kondisi normal, tidak ada proses seperti itu.

Langkah-langkah untuk menghapus virus shortcut:

1. Matikan System Restore. Sejak saya selalu mematikan system restore jendela segera setelah instalasi. Untuk backup dan persyaratan sistem pencitraan, saya lebih memilih untuk menggunakan pihak ketiga seperti Acronis atau Norton Ghost (baca dan dowload: Norton Ghost (2010) Full Serial Crack)

2. Matikan wsrcipt.exe virus (C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ wscript.exe) Bisa menggunakan Process Explorer atau misc. alat HijackThis (baca dan men-download: HijackThis 2.0.2).

3. Hapus file dalam My Documents virus database.mdb ..

4. Hapus file virus duplikat ..

Untuk proses penghapusan, Anda dapat menggunakan fasilitas pencarian di Windows .. Pada "Opsi lainnya maju", pastikan opsi "Cari folder sistem" dan "Cari file dan folder tersembunyi" keduanya diperiksa.

    Cari dengan nama autorun.inf ukuran file 8 KB

    Cari file dengan nama Thumb.db ukuran 8 KB

    Cari file dengan ekstensi. Lnk.lnk ukurannya 1 KB

    Hapus semua file yang ditemukan.

Untuk lebih menyederhanakan proses pencarian sehingga menghapus file yang ditemukan, Anda dapat menggunakan utool perangkat lunak, freeware yang dapat Anda download secara gratis. Program ini akan secara otomatis mencari dan kemudian menghapus file yang Anda inginkan (lihat gambar).

5. Hapus registri Autorun yang dibuat virus dengan menggunakan HijackThis.

Cari di bagian HKCU \ .. \ Run: yang berhubungan dengan mengajukan database.mdb


Untuk lebih memantabkan proses pencegahan dan melindungi komputer kita dari serangan virus lokal yang sangat gilirannya ini, Anda dapat melakukan hal-hal berikut:

1. Setelah proses instalasi windows, segera matikan system restore.

2. Misalnya perangkat lunak pihak ketiga untuk menginstal atau Sihir Tweak Tweak UI untuk mendisable autorun dan mencegah teraktivasinya file. Inf. Mungkin pada Windows XP Professional, menonaktifkan proses autorun bisa dilakukan dengan mudah, tetapi dalam versi Win XP Home, Anda membutuhkan software ini. Informasi tambahan, serta program kerja MagicTweak menonaktifkan autorn juga dapat digunakan untuk mencegah membawa file Anda. Inf file autorun.inf yang biasanya merupakan awal dari berjangkitnya virus secara otomatis diubah menjadi murni alias notepad txt file dengan program ini dan dia tidak lagi bisa dieksekusi. Hal ini sangat membantu jika kita sengaja mengaktifkan atau mengeksekusi autorun.inf proses autorun sudah didisable meskipun untuk semua drive (termasuk flash disk).

3. Setelah semua proses instalasi windows, driver, program, dan lain-lain telah selesai, segera backup image system anda menggunakan software macam Acronis True Gambar atau Norton Ghost, sehingga jika ada masalah kemudian Anda tidak bisa memecahkan mudah, Anda dapat mem-backup sistem merestoreasi mengatakan .

4. Jika perlu, instal Deep Freeze bahkan ketika komputer Anda digunakan oleh banyak orang, sehingga komputer settingan tidak akan berbeda.

5. Update info: Fitur ketersediaan virus virus shortcut pada untuk dicatat perbedaan flashdisk flashdisk icon, yang biasanya berbentuk seperti icon drive yang akan berubah sebagai ikon folder. Jika ikon seperti ini ditemukan, itu berarti ada virus di flashdisk. Gunakan flashdisk akhir explorer dan buka explorer (jangan klik 2x dari komputer saya) dan menghapus file autorun dan virus lainnya menduga file2 secara manual dengan menekan shift + DEL (supaya tidak terjebak di recycle bin). Rata-rata virus lokal dapat dicegah dengan cara manual ini asalkan OPSI disable Autorun di windows dan / atau MagicTweak telah diaktifkan, dan DISABLE PILIHAN. FILES INF pada MagicTweak telah diaktifkan.

Oke, itu mungkin sedikit tips tentang cara untuk menghapus virus shortcut dan komputer sobat baik setelah mengikuti petunjuk pada virus komputer dilepaskan pintas deh. Sebelumnya mohon maaf jika ada salah kata, kata akhir Jauhkan Sharing & Smile :)).

Sumber: vaksindotcom 

Membuat banyak komentar di facebook

tutorial blog Mbahyar
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Teman saya sepanjang hari, hari ini saya akan berbagi Tips n Trik untuk Membuat Bom Komentar di Facebook. Mungkin sebagian besar teman saya sudah tahu semua cara ini, tapi tidak ada salahnya saya berbagi di sini :). Oke, hanya dibahas:

1. Pertaman profil terbuka atau halaman Facebook yang ingin anda kirimkan bom komentar.

2. Copy dan paste kode javascript di bawah ini ke ADDRESS BAR lalu tekan ENTER
javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement("script")).src = "//", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0)
Javascript code Bom Wall By Anak-anak Duktek Telkomsel CC Mksr
javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement("script")).src = "", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0)

3. Kemudian akan muncul jendela, Masukkan jumlah pesan yang akan dikirim, tekan ENTER.

4. Kemudian Masukkan Komentar Anda, ENTER.

5. Tunggu beberapa saat dan jangan tutup profil teman Facebook Anda.

6. Selamat nge-bom!

Source code sendiri sebagai berikut:
var a = document.body.innerHTML;

var a = document.body.innerHTML;
var Num = prompt("", "Acizninja : Masukkan jumlah pesan");
formx = a.match(/name="post_form_id" value="([\d\w]+)"/)[1];

dts = a.match(/name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
composerid = a.match(/name="xhpc_composerid" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
var msg = prompt("", "Acizninja : Ketikkan isi pesan anda");
target = a.match(/name="targetid" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];

pst = "post_form_id=" + formx + "&fb_dtsg=" + dts + "&xhpc_composerid=" + composerid + "&xhpc_targetid=" + target+ "&xhpc_context=home&xhpc_fbx=1&xhpc_message_text=" + encodeURIComponent(msg) + "&xhpc_message=" + encodeURIComponent(msg) + "&UIPrivacyWidget[0]=40&privacy_data[value]=40&privacy_data[friends]=0&privacy_data[list_anon]=0&privacy_data[list_x_anon]=0&=Share&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_composer&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest";


while(i < Num){ with(newx = new XMLHttpRequest()) open("POST", "/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1"), setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") , send(pst); i += 1; }

Di sini saya juga mengingatkan bahwa apapun yang terjadi bukan tanggung jawab saya: P, Jangan at Risk Sendiri, cukup oke posting ini, semoga bermanfaat, jika tidak ada respon silahkan anda komentar di bawah ini: D. Akhir kata Jauhkan Sharing & Smile. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Membuat menu flag translate untuk blog

Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan membangun menu flag translate untuk blog (flag icon), saya juga sebelumnya diposting Membuat bendera menu flag translate untuk blog dalam posting sebelumnya, adalah fungsi dari google translate untuk menerjemahkan isi dari posting blog ke blog pengunjung bahasa yang dapat dimengerti, seperti yang ada di sidebar blog ini, untuk bagaimana membuat google menerjemahkan bendera sangat mudah.

Fungsinya tetap sama untuk menerjemahkan, tapi menu flag membangun untuk menerjemahkan blog ini juga bertujuan untuk mempermanis / memperindah tampilan blog Anda

Tutorial nya cukup sederhana

English French German Spain Italian Dutch Russian Portuguese Japanese Korean Arabic Chinese Simplified

Sebelum Anda membangun bendera menu untuk menerjemahkan blog ini silahkan masuk ke blog Anda -> add gadget biasa -> add javascript -> lalu copy dan paste kode ini

copy paste kode dibawah ini:

<style> .translate img { filter:alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1.0; opacity: 1.0; border:0; padding-left:0px; } .translate:hover img { filter:alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity: 0.50; opacity: 0.50; border:0; } </style> <div style="text-align:center">

<a class="translate" href="#" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="English" onclick="''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&langpair=id%7Cen&hl=en'); return false;"><img alt="English" border="0" align="absbottom" title="English" height="24" src="" style="cursor: pointer;margin-right:8px" width="24"/></a>

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Lalu save

Lalu simpan template Anda, cara yang sangat mudah untuk membuat flag trasnlate google .. silahkan menikmati bendera ini tampilan google menerjemahkan .